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Monday, July 25, 2016

How to Sign up (Registration) and Logged on To the Application Sing! Karaoke by Smule

There are 3 (three) ways You can do to registration Smule account , which is The fast Way, The Normal Way, and Registration Through the Sing! Smule Application .

1. The Fast  Way

If You're reading this article using a browser, and log in using an account facebook..
Way, Please click/visit the page my profile the following: LOGGED on SMULE
You will be taken to a page like below:

Then  click / select "Log in" or choose the "+Follow", You will be taken to the page the following: 


Then choose "Sign In with Facebook", then You will be taken to the Facebook confirm page. If You haven't logged on, You will be required email and password of your Facebook. Click OK, and continue until it's done. Then You've managed to make an Account Smule it quickly without having to do a confirmation through email, and also You automatically follow me, so You can Join to all the songs Open Call from me for free, no need to subscribe to the VLP. Please continue reading to the part "How to Use the Application Sing! Karaoka by Smule". 

2. The Normal Way
 Please visit, then choose log in, then You will be taken to the page the following:

Select / Click on "New Account", then You will be taken to the page registration like the following:

On the handle any please You fill with the username that You will use, for example benikey. Username this will also affect with the link address of the profile Smule, for example, the username I benikey, then link the page my profile is use username short and easy to remember. Then enter the address of the email You're using, and also the password smule You, password if you don't same with the password - yes. Then there are times when handle any (username) already used everybody else. For that sarge watch the perimeter handle any with a username that is still available. If you've made it, You will get an email confirmation. (Those You have to open it up and click on the confirmation order to account Smule You soon active. A little more complicated.

3. Registration Through The Sing! Smule Apss.

Frankly this is how to register the easiest way. if You're not reading this article through the browser. You just have to install the application, then after the application instaled. You can registering by using Email, or Directly Logged on using an account Facebook or Google+ that have been active in your Android Smartphone


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