Maybe there's some dude who until now Haven't been Able to Make an ID on Camfrog? or a couple of times trying to make but Failed and Can Not Register Camfrog? Hmmm.. When its clearly and then write about how to make a new camfrog Id, but why it still can't and failed to keep fits list ID / Nickname Camfrog well (?) There may be some constraints and problems that happened (?)
Due to a lot of pal who FAILED to make the id camfrog and asked:
- Why camfrog list always wrong
- Why keep wrong Password
- Why don't new registration . (denied)
- A list of camfrog name his there sign Stop
- Why camfrog list always wrong
- Why keep wrong Password
- Why don't new registration . (denied)
- A list of camfrog name his there sign Stop
- Did you changes the nickname but allways failed
- Emptied the contents of all but the nickname no can keep
- Tried 100 times can't get
- It forth until tens of times the no can do list
- How to Log in ID Camfrog with Facebook make mumet
- Ga can mulu a list of his, what else conek to fb... old shit..
- It's hard to fool the list, already in trying to use the name of what might be wrong mulu.
And various another question concerning the registration ID Camfrog new failed mulu alias can't register camfrog.
- Tried 100 times can't get
- It forth until tens of times the no can do list
- How to Log in ID Camfrog with Facebook make mumet
- Ga can mulu a list of his, what else conek to fb... old shit..
- It's hard to fool the list, already in trying to use the name of what might be wrong mulu.
And various another question concerning the registration ID Camfrog new failed mulu alias can't register camfrog.
The truth is that admin was confused too same dude who can't register id camfrog, whereas until the sec any admin can still create camfrog id new though.. (?)
Maybe through his think to do this, and and how to let it work make new camfrog id , yes. Please on take a good look at well.
Maybe through his think to do this, and and how to let it work make new camfrog id , yes. Please on take a good look at well.
1.) ID Camfrog Must be More than 7 Digits-Letter+Number
MAIN problem might be that your ID / Nickname camfrog a buddy make it STOP has anyone GOT, or IT'S REGISTER. Because until now it'S a LOT of people in Indonesia make the ID camfrog till with 7 digits.
Try pal for ID / Nicname with more than 7 digits letter or combination with NUMBERS or sign of _ (underline)
For example:
* Miskat_Ule
* Andry_Travis
* MasYant0
MAIN problem might be that your ID / Nickname camfrog a buddy make it STOP has anyone GOT, or IT'S REGISTER. Because until now it'S a LOT of people in Indonesia make the ID camfrog till with 7 digits.
Try pal for ID / Nicname with more than 7 digits letter or combination with NUMBERS or sign of _ (underline)
For example:
* Miskat_Ule
* Andry_Travis
* MasYant0
2.) Check Availability ID/Nicname Camfrog in
Before buddy create id camfrog or before applying nicname on camfrog, it's good to check availability ID/NICKNAME a buddy want.
Please check the availability of his in the address URL is this: . For example:
* Description:
- If there are "PROFILE" = means it's GOT
- If "Nothing to see here" = means in the register, but
- When it's "oh, my god - User disabled for Terms of Service violations." = Means ID / Nickname the DISABLE / BANNED from Camfrog.
Before buddy create id camfrog or before applying nicname on camfrog, it's good to check availability ID/NICKNAME a buddy want.
Please check the availability of his in the address URL is this: . For example:
* Description:
- If there are "PROFILE" = means it's GOT
- If "Nothing to see here" = means in the register, but
- When it's "oh, my god - User disabled for Terms of Service violations." = Means ID / Nickname the DISABLE / BANNED from Camfrog.
3.) Don't Use Letters CHARACTER
The whole point of the character here like: , . > # $ @ & ( ) - = + etc. Because if letters or characters that need TO BUY to Camfrog dot com. can look at the address URL: if you want to buy.
Sometimes, there is some modem or provider internet is BACK BLOCKIR CAMFROG, so how times dude trying to list would be FAIL and can't register. Usually, though MODEM CDMA I couldn't.
The whole point of the character here like: , . > # $ @ & ( ) - = + etc. Because if letters or characters that need TO BUY to Camfrog dot com. can look at the address URL: if you want to buy.
Sometimes, there is some modem or provider internet is BACK BLOCKIR CAMFROG, so how times dude trying to list would be FAIL and can't register. Usually, though MODEM CDMA I couldn't.
Buddy can list or register id camfrog in Warnet are menggunaka SPEEDY or Fastnet, or whatever support camfrog. Try browsing it alamt URL this if you can, chance of success, but if no can, yes it certainly failed to register camfrog too...
5.) The contents of the Data REGISTER Should be Complete and Correct
Maybe there is also some dude who is less thorough when filling out registration camfrog or pas register. Maybe:
- Wrong NICKNAME / ID (explanation number 1)
- Wrong Password / Password less STRONG
- Wrong Gender - gender (no TRANS-GENDER, though)
- One ((E-MAIL haru bener2 falid and ACTIVE - Because to ferivikasi)
- Wrong Name of the town / location
- Forget About the TICK..
Please be researched again well..
Maybe there is also some dude who is less thorough when filling out registration camfrog or pas register. Maybe:
- Wrong NICKNAME / ID (explanation number 1)
- Wrong Password / Password less STRONG
- Wrong Gender - gender (no TRANS-GENDER, though)
- One ((E-MAIL haru bener2 falid and ACTIVE - Because to ferivikasi)
- Wrong Name of the town / location
- Forget About the TICK..
Please be researched again well..
6.) Ask made me an ID to a FRIEND who's Been Playing Camfrog
Okay, I think I still have a lot pal in trouble make ID camfrog new, and already I love with clear way. Now there are a tips addition, that "Ask dibuatin ID the same FRIENDS who already Play camfrog". Guaranteed can you expect..
Okay, I think I still have a lot pal in trouble make ID camfrog new, and already I love with clear way. Now there are a tips addition, that "Ask dibuatin ID the same FRIENDS who already Play camfrog". Guaranteed can you expect..
I think that's the reason why dude Failed and Can Not Register Camfrog again, or as long as it still can't create id camfrog bin haven't been able to make the ID camfrog. If how to register ID camfrog on it you try, chances are berhasi 90% and. Good Try and good LUCK
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