Every time I open the Sing! Karaoke by Smule application, we go straight
to the menu tab Sing!Karaoke by Smule, that means every time we go in,
we are considered to be singing. In the Sing tabs, the there's a choice
of Songs in the 'Recommended' category, 'Top Hits' , Community', and the
other as being the main menu's but in fact isn't, it's just the Sub
Menu, while the main menu is a Sing Tab . Actually there were 5 main
Tabs on this Sing!Karaoke by Smule Apps(on Android). That is; Feed
Tabs,Listen Tab, Sing Tab, Notifications Tab, and Profile Tab. Please
see on the image below, notice where those fifth Tab were at the bottom
of the application display.

On the Pictures, at the Bottom there are 5 main Tabs, that is... from left to right:
1. Feeds Tab, represented by the illustrated two people standing parallel icon,
2. Listen Tab , represented by the graphic Headphones icon,
3. Sing Tabs , represented by the illustrated a mic (microphone) icon,
4. Notification Tab , represented by the illustrated bells icon, and
5. Profile Tab , which is represented by the illustrated Man half a body icon.
1. Feeds Tab, represented by the illustrated two people standing parallel icon,
2. Listen Tab , represented by the graphic Headphones icon,
3. Sing Tabs , represented by the illustrated a mic (microphone) icon,
4. Notification Tab , represented by the illustrated bells icon, and
5. Profile Tab , which is represented by the illustrated Man half a body icon.
The following is an explanation of each Main Tab's on Sing! Karaoke by Smule Application on Android:
1. Feed Tabs

As well as facebook that has the 'News Update' Tab, Twitter has
'Timeline', or Blackberry Messenger have 'Recent Updates', the Sing!
Karaoke Application also have similar things called Feeds. On the to
Feed Tab, we would get updates from people we follow, for example when
he likes (give like) or commented on sing record, when he made a new
tape, when he Join in on a tape, and in other news... The Info is useful
for us because than we can play along, or just go like, we can also
join in if there's a song that we love... Well in this Feed Tab is also
an icon to look for (add) a friend. Notice the Picture at the top, On
the top right, under the lead of hours, there the icon of 2 people side
by side with the plus sign next to it. Click the icon of the to add
2. Listen Tabs

Listen Tab, it must be good for listening. At Listen Tabs we'll provided a lot of song recording, a solo or a duet recording. Sometimes we're just not in the mood to sing, and just want to listen to a best record of the Sing!Karaoke users in the whole world.
Actually Listen Tab to Sing!Karaoke applications was made to show the best tape-recording , because the user who opened the Listen Tab, it is must be want to listen to a record that isn't it cool?, footage of the cool marked with how much the amount of Play or the Amount of Love, so that it appears in the Tab Listen the most to have the amount of Play or Love that much. Logically, the more we can love or Play then chances are his good, and a lot of playing. But the truth is not so, many who don't fit expectations, and there is something strange, that is, the amount of Play and Love there that looks odd. For example, the Amount of Play just 100, but the amount of Love to reach 500 more. Where is the mystery?? to give Love, we have to listen to these tapes first, then we give love. Well, if there's a record that has the amount of Play is 100 that means the tape is only played (to be heard) as much as 100 times, so the amount of love the maximum should be 100. well, if the amount of love his reach 500, that means that 400 is the assessment is not fair because to give love without listening first, and somehow can give love without listening first. Finally, after so many times I was fooled, his intention to listen to, record cool, I'm trying to listen to a recording that has the amount of love hundreds up to thousands of, after I listen... you look like shit brother, until I'm laughing out loud... better sound the Doraemon sing... and it's not just one tape, but there's a lot of.. after I noticed, it turns out that the amount of Play just dozens. That's when I started to feel like something out of the ordinary, and learned my lesson... never again I'm in Tab Listen... I prefer to listen to a tape a friend or friend of a friend...Even though not all so, there is a lot of another, in Tab-Listen have the cool tape and nice to be heard, but sound look like shit and look like it too a little bit. Please try yourself and watch it, surely You too will laugh out loud
3. Sing Tabs

On Sing Tab we provided a variety of songs to go in certain categories, not everything that songs can be sung by a non-VIP user are, but there is still a lot of songs that can be sung for free without having to subscribe to the VIP... those category is:
Recommended: contains songs that are recommended to us, based on
resemblance and similarity of the singer from the songs we sing, or the
songs a recommendation from people we follow.
Top Hits: Contains the Songs the most-often sung aka popular among users Sing! Smule.
Community: Contains the songs that are being trend in the community in particular.
New: Contains a collection of songs new direlease or download (uploaded) to the database Sing! Smule. Not that new song, you know... but the song just entered, for example just the Song Barbie Girl from Aqua, that song's from 1997, but in the category of New because new entry to the Sing! Smule database.
Top Hits: Contains the Songs the most-often sung aka popular among users Sing! Smule.
Community: Contains the songs that are being trend in the community in particular.
New: Contains a collection of songs new direlease or download (uploaded) to the database Sing! Smule. Not that new song, you know... but the song just entered, for example just the Song Barbie Girl from Aqua, that song's from 1997, but in the category of New because new entry to the Sing! Smule database.
Free: a collection of songs that can be sung for free by the users are non-VLP,
Partner Artist: Containing songs of the artist to work with Smule, that he wants to sign the original, you know... and she sounds real sound of them, because they (the artist) who collaborated with Smule also have an account Smule, so we could sing a duet with them. many are free, so don't have to be a member VLPS.
Kids: Contains a collection of songs kids (in English), International Nursary Songs
Classics: Containing a collection of songs antiquity.
Partner Artist: Containing songs of the artist to work with Smule, that he wants to sign the original, you know... and she sounds real sound of them, because they (the artist) who collaborated with Smule also have an account Smule, so we could sing a duet with them. many are free, so don't have to be a member VLPS.
Kids: Contains a collection of songs kids (in English), International Nursary Songs
Classics: Containing a collection of songs antiquity.
Soundtracks: Contains a collection of songs that became sountrack film Box Office famous.
K-Pop: Containing a collection of songs of korea.
VIP-Only: Contains the songs can only be sung by users who subscribe to the VLP.
All Songs: Contains all the songs in the database Sing Smule from A to Z...
And Aneka the category of Genre like Pop, Hip-Hop, Rock, R&B, and Country.
On the song list, please click on the thumbnail picture to listen music footage, or direct click on a Sing tab on the Song Title for live singing karaoke.
The Sub Tab Activity
The Sub Tab Activity containing a notification if there's activity user Sing Smule which deals with accounts we, for example... :a
If there is love (give love) or comment on our records (either solo or a duet),
If there are back follow us,
When the Join (join in for a duet) in the Open Call that we make,
When you call us (mention) in a comment (although the comment is not on our records), in the Invitation (the Invitation Berduet), and a Personal Message on the profile page...
5. Profile Tabs
This is the Tab most often we are open. This Profile Tab display of our profile as Sing! Karaoke users. This Profile Page is a little determine how big the chances people will follow us after visiting the profile. There are many things that can be done by people who open a profile. That's seen a picture of profile we, see username us, see the number of follower and following, Read the messages short, and the most important thing is to listen to some of our records on the Sub Tab Recording (now a Channel). If your voice is the heart cool, then no holding back he will memfollow us with the hope it would be can a duet sing together. Then he will open Sub Tabs Open Calls (so now it Invites), and looking for songs that maybe he's like. You're lucky if she gets Join in one of the Open Calls that you make.
For that, put photos and a little Message as exciting as possible...
K-Pop: Containing a collection of songs of korea.
VIP-Only: Contains the songs can only be sung by users who subscribe to the VLP.
All Songs: Contains all the songs in the database Sing Smule from A to Z...
And Aneka the category of Genre like Pop, Hip-Hop, Rock, R&B, and Country.
On the song list, please click on the thumbnail picture to listen music footage, or direct click on a Sing tab on the Song Title for live singing karaoke.

4. Notification Tabs
Tab Notifikasi contains a notification when There's activity in regard to us, or if there's an invitation a duet (Open Call).
On Tab Notifikasi, Divided into 2 Sub Tab, which is a Sub Tab Activity And Sub Tab Invites...
On Tab Notifikasi, Divided into 2 Sub Tab, which is a Sub Tab Activity And Sub Tab Invites...
The Sub Tab Activity
The Sub Tab Activity containing a notification if there's activity user Sing Smule which deals with accounts we, for example... :a
If there is love (give love) or comment on our records (either solo or a duet),
If there are back follow us,
When the Join (join in for a duet) in the Open Call that we make,
When you call us (mention) in a comment (although the comment is not on our records), in the Invitation (the Invitation Berduet), and a Personal Message on the profile page...

Sub Tab InvitesSub Tab Invites the Sing! Karaoke by Smule applications contains notification when there were any invited of Open Call (to take a duet). Sub Tab Invites is divided into 2 categories, namely Public Invites and Direct Invites.

On this public invites notification we also got the recommendation Open Call from the user other that we didn't follow. Application Sing! recommend the Open Call process is based on the songs we sing before. Notifikasi this didn't appear in the notifikasi the truth, however, recommendation # # Call this only appears when we open Public Invite notification, that it's at the bottom.

Direct Invite is a feature or rule of play where a follower can invite people in follow. Features this is actually a very interesting idea that every user can understand the real situation. When You follow someone and do a Direct Invite for inviting a duet with You, realise that the people You follow that could have had hundreds up to thousands of Direct Invite at the same time that might not be able to respond one by one. So hope You don't mind if he doesn't respond Your guests.
5. Profile Tabs
This is the Tab most often we are open. This Profile Tab display of our profile as Sing! Karaoke users. This Profile Page is a little determine how big the chances people will follow us after visiting the profile. There are many things that can be done by people who open a profile. That's seen a picture of profile we, see username us, see the number of follower and following, Read the messages short, and the most important thing is to listen to some of our records on the Sub Tab Recording (now a Channel). If your voice is the heart cool, then no holding back he will memfollow us with the hope it would be can a duet sing together. Then he will open Sub Tabs Open Calls (so now it Invites), and looking for songs that maybe he's like. You're lucky if she gets Join in one of the Open Calls that you make.
For that, put photos and a little Message as exciting as possible...

Profile Tab generally has 2 Sub Tabs, which is a Sub Recording Tab (Channel) and Sub Open Call Tab (Invites). But there is also a Profile page that has Sub Songs Tabs, like mine in the picture above. Sub Songs Tab Show up when an account that ever contribute (upload) songs on the Sing! Smule.

Sub Tab 'Recording' (update: Now 'Channel')

The Sub Tab of 'Open Calls' (update: Now 'Invites')
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