Please run the Sing! Karaoke by Smule Application that has been installed. Then Logged on using an account that You already make or do the registration. After You successfully Log in, the first time you should do is to Setting account and Setting the Profile. Click on the three fruit point at the top (right under the clock) so it appeared on the menu Settings, Smule Apps, and Help.

Then choose Setting. Then You will be required to enter some parameters settings like seen below.

Click on the photos for the just uploaded a photo would be a photo Your profile.
Then on the "Personal Message" just fill the description, for example "I like music dangdut, hobby dangdut just follow me" or "my Voice ugly, but I like to sing to have fun", or you can text others..
Then in a social setting, Please activate it, click log in to Facebook, then Twitter , then Google+. This setting is useful when You are about to sharing (share) a quick recording that You made.
On the Log in Info, You can change the address (replace the username, and change password. Don't forget to re-click Submit Changes...
After you're Done do whatever your setting for the profile, now You are ready to fun Karaoke, but it's good You to know beforehand of the user interface of the Sing Karaoke by Smule Apss.
Then on the "Personal Message" just fill the description, for example "I like music dangdut, hobby dangdut just follow me" or "my Voice ugly, but I like to sing to have fun", or you can text others..
Then in a social setting, Please activate it, click log in to Facebook, then Twitter , then Google+. This setting is useful when You are about to sharing (share) a quick recording that You made.
On the Log in Info, You can change the address (replace the username, and change password. Don't forget to re-click Submit Changes...
After you're Done do whatever your setting for the profile, now You are ready to fun Karaoke, but it's good You to know beforehand of the user interface of the Sing Karaoke by Smule Apss.
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